Shared Mailboxes - aka Resource Mailboxes

Shared mailboxes can be used where a generic mailbox - or even where just a shared calendar - is needed.

Steps to getting and managing a shared mailbox

1. CATG can procure a shared mailbox / shared calendar.  Please put in a service request and we can help out.

2. When the shared mailbox is configured, there is an associated "-SG" security group that is created at the same time.  People who are in this group have access to the shared mailbox and can "send as" that account.   CATG can designate who the owners are of the "-SG" group, who become the gatekeepers for who can access the shared mailbox / shared calendar.

The naming convention of the shared mailbox and the associated security group usually indicate that it is associated with HCI (or HCH).   Examples:  HCH-BMT-Vacations-Calendar, and HCH-BMT-Vacations-Calendar-SG or HCI-SmithLab-Orders and HCI-SmithLab-Orders-SG

3.  For Shared Mailbox owners, here is how people are added & removed from the group, ie, who has rights to the Shared Mailbox / Calendar:   Managing Groups through Outlook Web

4.  For users who've been granted rights to the Shared Mailbox (ie, have been added to the associated -SG group), to access that mailbox in Outlook Windows do the following:

 File - Account Settings - Account Settings - (select your account, usually appears like a "ribbon" in the middle of the screen) - More Settings - Advanced - Mailboxes (open these additional mailboxes).   Specify the name of the Shared Mailbox here, then OK, Close, etc.

The next time you open Outlook you should see the Resource Mailbox on the left side menu.  

Here is how to open a shared mailbox in Outlook for MacOutlook Mac - shared mailbox

How to open a shared mailbox in Outlook Web:   Outlook Web - shared mailbox