Network Drives
On PC systems, there are two principal areas for storing data
The X-drive is a HCH/HCI-wide shared drive that contains folders for various clinical, research & administrative groups.
The O-drive is a personal area to store documents and other items not intended to be shared.
There are many printers available for use within HCI & HCH.  These printers are made available via printer servers, HCH-PRINTERS (for the HCH building and clinical areas in the HCI building) and HCI-PRINTERS (for research and administrative areas in HCI)
To access printers within HCI / HCH, on Windows 7 clients you should be able to navigate to Start - Programs - (HCH Printers or HCI Printers).
Alternatively, one can get a list of printers and connect to them via Start - Run - \\HCI-Printers (or HCH-PRINTERS) on Windows XP systems, or Start - \\HCI-Printers (or (HCH-Printers) on Windows 7 systems.