HCI Applications use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
For HCI Applications to function, they need the latest version of the JRE installed. On PCs in HCI & HCH this software should already be installed. For external systems it may be necessary to download Java JRE from Sun (now Oracle).
There are a couple of settings that need to be configured for optimal performance of the HCI Applications.
If you're on a PC in the HCI/HCH environment and logged into the HCI domain, you can set these items by running the following batch file: X:\Public\Apps\PC\Java\setjava.cmd
If you're unable to run this batch file (for example, on a PC external to HCI & HCH), the following two lines need to be added to the deployment.properties file (typically located on Windows 7 systems at C:\Users\(yourusername)\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment and on Windows XP systems at C:\Documents and Settings\(yourusername)\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment)
deployment.jawaws.jre.0.args=-Xms256m -Xmx256m